A cautionary tale: drink driving cases are hard to win, they are.
Saying otherwise is both untrue and unfair.
Years of training have made most Guards very proficient at drink driving procedures.
They know what they’re talking about.
Additionally, when you’re the defendant against 3-4 members of the Gardai in court, it can be an intimidating environment.
Latest statistics in Ireland are that about 66% of all people arrested for drink driving are convicted.
But that means 34% are not.
That lucky 34% have succeeded for any one of many reasons e.g. a vital witness had not turned up, a vital piece of evidence has not been brought to court, the prosecution evidence has been poor, or the defence evidence has been so good as to render a doubt in the Judge’s mind.
Any one of these reasons (or one or two combined) can cause the case to be struck out.
Everybody has a story about what happened when they were arrested for drink driving.
It's so important to write that story out in minute detail.
Include in it everything that happened, every comment made, no matter how trivial you think it is.
Give this story a lot of time.
Getting it right is the foundation stone for your future defence.
So, start writing.